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Todays Headlines

If you can't find what you are looking for on our website then here are some useful sites that could help you.

  • You can get tax relief on gifts to UK charities if you give under Gift Aid or through a Payroll Giving scheme or by making a gift of shares or land. We outline the reliefs available.
  • Information regarding the High Income Child Benefit charge which applies to taxpayers who have income over £50,000 in a tax year where either they or their partner receive Child Benefit.
  • This factsheet considers the Savings and Dividends Allowances.
  • We look at how qualifying companies can get access to equity investment from new and, in some cases, existing shareholders.
  • ISAs are tax-exempt savings accounts available to individuals.
  • Outlining the Making Tax Digital regulations for individuals.

If you would like more information or speak to us then call us on 0333 011 9454